Take Advantage of Generative AI, Collectively.

MARYLINK streamlines business workflows augmented with Generative AI, while bringing people together.

Ready to go
A rich set of AI tools optimized for business performance.
Improve AI and collaboration with human interactions.
Create your own AI tools, easy to setup.
Exploit Your Data
Easily manage how AI leverages your business data
Take advantage of the latest LLMs: GPT, Claude, Mistral...
Intuitive UX
An intuitive user interface that goes far beyond classic chatbots.
Enjoy secure silos for your projects and data.
Text, Images, Vision...
Use AI to generate or analyze rich texts and images.
Cost effective
Control AI consumption with our innovative billing approach.
Get The Most of Generative AI

The One-Stop Solution For Your Business

Artificial intelligence

Gain valuable insights through Generative AI

All content published on the platform can be generated or analyzed by querying the AI. For example: among the ideas submitted, which ones have the best ROI potential and why? Among the tasks on this project, which ones should be focused on? The platform also analyzes content to connect documents, projects, or ideas with relevant member profiles, facilitating the formation of project teams (team building). And fueled with your own data, its answers become even more relevant!


Benefit from the latest Generative AI models

Take advantage of the latest generative AI models such as OpenAI GPT4o, Microsoft Wizard, Google Gemini or Anthropic Claude 3. Our solution provides a wide range of the most powerful large language models (LLMs) — proprietary or open-source — while remaining agnostic about the model used. You or your staff can choose which models to use depending on the task, tool or activity, so you can make the most of their powerful capabilities!

AI for your daily business

Get started easily with our ready-to-go tools

Benefit from immediate productivity gains with our ready-to-go AI tools made to improve business performance in areas such as marketing, business development, communication or innovation.

Get The Most of Generative AI

The One-Stop Solution For Your Business

Customizable AI

Tailor AI to your industry and maximize efficiency

MARYLINK is a versatile solution designed to adapt to your specific context and needs: you can easily modify the AI tools available or create new ones to suit your activities. The platform provides customizable Smart Spaces with presets for specific actions suited to a wide range of business activities. These spaces, which can be reserved for certain users, facilitate dynamic management of business data and precise access control.

Collective intelligence

Improve AI through human collaboration, and vice versa!

Users can work together on data, prompts, and results generated by AI, creating a virtuous circle where AI improves the productivity of collaborators and they enhance the accuracy of AI. The platform also includes collaboration features such as groups, instant messaging, and video conferencing to facilitate communication among users.

Custom Tools for Each User

Empower your teams

Unlike other solutions, each user can customize their AI tools with their own prompts leveraging their own data, or choose to use data shared and enriched by community members. This results in simplified data management while offering configurations tailored to each need.

Dynamic Management of Your Data

More accuracy with advanced management of your business data

The quality of the responses provided by AI directly depends on the quality of the data used. In professional environments, precise and continuously enriched data management is essential. MARYLINK allows for simple addition and management of your business data by your teams and its dynamic exploitation by AI, offering a secure and efficient method to leverage generative AI in the specific context of your business.

Get The Most of Generative AI

The One-Stop Solution For Your Business

Data Security and Confidentiality

Ensure the security and confidentiality of your business data

We offer advanced data management with enhanced security options where users have specific permissions to create, modify, view, comment on, and evaluate content (contributions, data, prompts...). These permissions can be customized according to the user's role, group membership, or individually.


Control your costs with flexible billing

Most other AI platforms charge 20 to 30 euros per month per user. This is like if your energy provider charged you 30 euros per month for each connected electrical device, regardless of its consumption. That's a significant budget... MARYLINK has opted for a different approach: consumption-indexed billing, following the model of energy providers. This model allows for more accessible, fairer rates and lets you choose and adjust the consumption of each LLM based on their quality/price ratio.

Flexible, Agile, Scalable.

A platform that evolves with your business

MARYLINK supports you as your needs and uses of generative AI evolve. Our design is completely modular allowing for the addition or removal of features as needed. This facilitates the evolution of the platform towards different configurations like an AI-augmented extranet, an AI-augmented private social network, a hub for augmented collaborative support, etc. Our solution adapts to the various professional situations you face in your digital transformation and future projects you might initiate.

Creative at scale.

Génération collaborative d'images IA.

Marylink permet aux utilisateurs de générer des images via l'IA de manière collaborative. Grâce à une galerie partagée, les images peuvent être intégrées en un clic dans les publications, facilitant ainsi la création visuelle collective. Les utilisateurs peuvent collaborer en temps réel sur les prompts commenter et ajuster les visuels pour un résultat optimal, tout en bénéficiant des outils de productivité personnalisables de la plateforme.

Wisdom of crowds.

Collective intelligence

At MARYLINK, we harness the power of collective intelligence by integrating user feedback, expert reviews, and economic estimates. This collaborative approach ensures that our solutions are not only innovative but also economically viable and user-centric. By leveraging diverse insights, we continuously refine our offerings to meet the evolving needs of our clients.

Share, learn and act.

Prompt sharing space

Discover our prompt sharing space, designed to enable all users to collaborate and enhance their prompts through collective intelligence. This innovative tool promotes the exchange of ideas and continuous improvement of prompts, offering a dynamic platform where each contribution enriches the whole. Take advantage of this feature to optimize your interactions and benefit from the best practices shared by the community.

Share, learn and act.

Publication team managment

Discover our prompt sharing space, designed to enable all users to collaborate and enhance their prompts through collective intelligence. This innovative tool promotes the exchange of ideas and continuous improvement of prompts, offering a dynamic platform where each contribution enriches the whole. Take advantage of this feature to optimize your interactions and benefit from the best practices shared by the community.

Share, learn and act.

Multiple custom posts types

Discover our prompt sharing space, designed to enable all users to collaborate and enhance their prompts through collective intelligence. This innovative tool promotes the exchange of ideas and continuous improvement of prompts, offering a dynamic platform where each contribution enriches the whole. Take advantage of this feature to optimize your interactions and benefit from the best practices shared by the community.

Share, learn and act.

Timed challenges

Discover our prompt sharing space, designed to enable all users to collaborate and enhance their prompts through collective intelligence. This innovative tool promotes the exchange of ideas and continuous improvement of prompts, offering a dynamic platform where each contribution enriches the whole. Take advantage of this feature to optimize your interactions and benefit from the best practices shared by the community.

Share, learn and act.

Collaborative groups

Discover our prompt sharing space, designed to enable all users to collaborate and enhance their prompts through collective intelligence. This innovative tool promotes the exchange of ideas and continuous improvement of prompts, offering a dynamic platform where each contribution enriches the whole. Take advantage of this feature to optimize your interactions and benefit from the best practices shared by the community.

Share, learn and act.

Custom steps for custom processes

Discover our prompt sharing space, designed to enable all users to collaborate and enhance their prompts through collective intelligence. This innovative tool promotes the exchange of ideas and continuous improvement of prompts, offering a dynamic platform where each contribution enriches the whole. Take advantage of this feature to optimize your interactions and benefit from the best practices shared by the community.

Share, learn and act.

Manage expert reviews

Discover our prompt sharing space, designed to enable all users to collaborate and enhance their prompts through collective intelligence. This innovative tool promotes the exchange of ideas and continuous improvement of prompts, offering a dynamic platform where each contribution enriches the whole. Take advantage of this feature to optimize your interactions and benefit from the best practices shared by the community.