Why AI Billing Based on Usage is the Future

Why AI Billing Based on Usage is the Future

As more businesses incorporate AI into their operations, the way they pay for AI services is undergoing a major shift. Traditionally, software vendors have relied on per-user pricing models, which work for static tools like CRM systems or project management software. However, when it comes to Generative AI—where consumption varies greatly depending on the complexity and frequency of tasks—this model falls short. The future lies in usage-based billing, and MARYLINK is leading the way by adopting a model where companies only pay for the AI they actually use.

The Problem with Per-User Pricing

Several major platforms, such as Salesforce, Zoom, and Microsoft Office 365, still follow the traditional per-user pricing model. This structure can be advantageous for businesses with uniform, predictable usage across their workforce, but it presents a number of issues for AI applications:

  • Inefficient for varying consumption: In the case of AI, usage can fluctuate dramatically. A data scientist running complex AI models may consume vastly more resources than a regular employee who only uses the system for light queries. Yet, under a per-user pricing model, both would pay the same.
  • High costs for small teams: Even smaller teams or departments with low usage might be charged a flat fee, making AI inaccessible to businesses that need it most.
  • Lack of flexibility: AI is dynamic, constantly evolving, and may not be used uniformly across teams. Per-user models don’t reflect the actual consumption and benefits derived from AI solutions.

Examples of Per-User Pricing Models in the Industry

  1. Salesforce: Known for its CRM capabilities, Salesforce charges per user, with different plans depending on the functionalities you require. However, if some users only need limited features and don’t fully utilize AI capabilities, businesses may still pay for seats they don’t need.
  2. Microsoft Office 365: While widely used, Office 365 follows a per-user pricing structure, where each license gives access to the same set of tools. When it comes to AI tools, this model can become inefficient if not all users leverage AI equally.
  3. Zoom: Another example is Zoom’s pricing, which charges per user. As businesses scale and more employees use features like AI transcription or video processing, the costs rise regardless of whether those users actually need those advanced tools.

Usage-Based Billing: A Fairer, More Flexible Approach

MARYLINK has taken a bold step by moving away from this outdated per-user model. Instead, it charges businesses based on their AI consumption—similar to how energy companies bill based on usage. Here’s how this works:

  • Base Platform Fee: Businesses pay a minimal base fee to reserve access to the platform. This covers the infrastructure and basic functionality, ensuring that companies can access AI tools at any time, like having a utility connection.
  • Pay for What You Use: Just like electricity or water, companies only pay for the AI services they actually consume. Whether it’s generating AI models, processing large datasets, or running AI-driven analytics, the billing is directly tied to the resources used, providing a clear, transparent cost structure.

Why This Shift Makes Sense

  1. Scalability: As businesses grow, their AI usage can scale without the steep costs associated with adding more users. A flexible, usage-based model ensures that companies can scale AI across their entire organization without worrying about per-user licenses.
  2. Accessibility: For smaller businesses or departments with light AI usage, the consumption model offers affordability and flexibility. Companies only pay for what they use, allowing them to experiment with AI without high upfront costs.
  3. Transparency: Usage-based billing provides clear visibility into what you’re paying for. Much like a utility bill, businesses can track and optimize their AI usage to match their needs and budgets.

Why the Industry Will Move Towards Usage-Based Billing

The rise of Generative AI—which requires heavy computational resources—means that paying for usage makes more sense than ever before. As AI continues to evolve and become more central to business operations, the industry is likely to see a shift away from traditional pricing models in favor of more flexible and fair systems like those pioneered by MARYLINK.

Usage-based pricing is poised to become the norm because it reflects the true value businesses derive from AI. Companies will no longer be constrained by per-user fees and can instead focus on getting the most out of AI tools, scaling their operations efficiently, and paying for the actual value they receive.

MARYLINK: A Precursor to the Future

MARYLINK is leading the charge in embracing usage-based billing, providing businesses with the tools and flexibility they need to capitalize on AI’s full potential. By moving to a model where companies only pay for what they use, MARYLINK is ensuring that AI becomes accessible to all, regardless of size or scale.

As more organizations recognize the need for fair, flexible pricing, MARYLINK is ahead of the curve, setting a precedent that other AI providers will likely follow. The future of AI isn’t about the number of users; it’s about how effectively businesses can harness the power of AI—and with usage-based pricing, MARYLINK is making that a reality.